Django Unchained (2012) – Movie Review

Django Unchained

My first ever movie review, originally published December 26, 2012.

Well I watched Django Unchained yesterday and I must say I wasn’t disappointed. Although some things could have been better.

The acting in the movie is top notch. Christoph Waltz does an amazing job as Doctor Schwaltz and I think he was the best of the bunch. Leonardo Dicaprio, I though was getting out shined in the beginning and then when the crew reaches candy land he really shows us. Samuel L. Jackson I thought was also one of the best ones. However, Jamie Foxx as Django was not so good, mainly because the actors around him were just better and I didn’t feel myself caring much about him as I did with the other characters.

This movie centers around slavery and takes place 2 years before the civil war. I like how Quentin Tarantino really shows the brutality of slavery even tough my mom didn’t like it too much. In my opinion the movie didn’t have too much brutality, but that’s just me. The dialog and screenplay in this movie is also a big factor I liked. Like in any Tarantino movie this has amazing dialog and I enjoyed every bit of it.

The bits I didn’t like was there is a scene in the movie where people just die from corner to corner and I thought that was unnecessary as I didn’t even think there were those many people there to even get killed. I would also like to change one scene but telling you would ruin the movie. But this movie has amazing dialog, unmatchable acting, and just beautiful screenplay and execution.

Me seeing Django
Me seeing Django at the movies.

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