The Dark Knight Rises Suite

Dark Knight Suite

Suite originally published back in Nov. 11, 2012. Here is what I had to say back then:

Hey guys i thought i would do something different today and make a suite. For those who dont know a suite is a mixture of music. In this case i chose the soundtracks from the dark knight rises the man who made the music for the soundtrack is Hans Zimmer. I really like Hans Zimmer is one of a kind, he did music for movies like the dark knight, inception,lion king, modern warfare 2 and 3,gladiator, last samurai and much more. Anyways the mixture that i came up with consisted of these soundtracks, they are not in order:

1.TDRR Trailer

2.Imagine The Fire

3.The FIre Rises


5.Banes Chant

Anyways guys hope you enjoy this it is really long i know but that is how most suites are. So if do have the time listen to it and tell me what you think and as always have nice day.

Dark Knight Rises Suite, Music Composed by Hans Zimmer

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