A World Eater

World Eater Image

And so there came to be, a Universe harboring a world-eating monster. 

It ate through everything in its path without thinking, without remorse. 

Billions and billions of stars, planets, and creatures would fall prey to its sharp teeth. 

One day, the monster happened to came upon the Earth system. It took a big bite out of the Sun, scooped up a piece of the Moon and decided to wash it all down with the waters of the Earth. 

As it began to pull plumes of water up into it’s mouth, drying out the seas, it encountered a wooden music box. 

The monster noticed it and began bumping it around. 

Soon enough, music started to flow out from it. 

The sound was achingly beautiful to the monster, so much so that it began to shed tears, so large that they filled up the barren seas. 

In it’s sadness, it forgot about eating worlds and began to mimic the sounds of the box. 

When the song ended, the monster stared out into the universe for a minute. 

Then it resumed its’ world-eating business. 

It consumed the music box, then the Earth, and moved onwards. 

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